Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wentzville teen class graduates from CERT

Youth learn disaster response skills

Sunday, July 27, 2008 7:25 AM CDT

There's no age limit when it comes to emergency responders.

The Wentzville Fire Protection District and Wentzville Police Department, sponsors of the Adult and Teen Community Emergency Response Teams, graduated six members in May from their first Teen CERT class.

The 20-hour Teen CERT program offers training to youth ages 13 to 18. The training teaches first aid procedures, search and rescue procedures, mental health aspects in dealing with disasters, fire suppression and organizational procedures. Two-hour classes were held twice a week at the Wentzville Law Enforcement Center, 1019 Schroeder Creek Blvd. Representatives from the fire district, police department and the Crider Center for Mental Health taught the classes.

Prior to the graduation, the teens spent three hours at Rotary Park, where they practiced their new skills in simulated exercises. Parents of the teens acted as victims of a disaster during a search and rescue simulation, the teens also conducted a simulation search of the area for a missing child. Upon finding the child, they administered the required first aid, stabilized and transported the victim for further assessment.

Program officials say the teens will be a great asset to an already successful CERT program, and that emergency responders can count on them when resources become depleted because of large-scale events.

The next Wentzville sponsored CERT and Teen CERT classes are to start in early September. To sign up or for more information, e-mail officer Phil Yocum at phily@wentzvillemo.org or call him at 636-639-2131.

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